
Bluray is HERE!

Bluray represents the next great leap in home video. Bluray discs allow you to view high definition content on your HD television set at home. HD comes in a few varieties, 720P, 1080i and 1080P. 1080P is the highest and it is what Bluray is capable of displaying. Standard definition video is at best 720 by 480 pixels (dots) in resolution (detail) HD is up to 6 times more detail maxing out at (1080 by 1920). For any of you that are watching 1080i or 720p television you know how much clearer and sharper it is. In fact I find it difficult to go back to watching standard definition video afterwards! It can really spoil the viewer. Please understand that you can not view HD video on a regular DVD. Companies that claim this are simply lying to you. Just because a video is shot on a high definition camera does not mean that it is delivered to you in HD. The only way to view your wedding or event video in HD at home is on the computer or through Bluray.

I have waited on the sidelines for about a year now as Bluray has been tested and improved and I am now ready to produce Bluray content for my clients. We are now on the third generation cameras for shooting HD content, and their has been much improvement from the first HD cameras. The same is true for the editing tools. I have just purchased a brand new editing system and software and I am ready to deliver the best to my clients.

Please see a 720P sample HD video on my website:

Joshua Kline Productions